
... this isn't the monster mash :(




2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
11-04-2021, 06:15 PM


A feminine voice filtered through the haze of a fever, distant and vague as though it were passing through water before it reached his ears. This was likely a result of the slowly sprouting mushrooms that were travelling through his right ear canal, seeking the dim light of the open air through which to spread their spores further. "Mama?" he called out again, weakly. He fought to open his eyes, already beginning to crust shut from the thick ooze that was leaking from his tear ducts around the tiny bundles of stringy, bioluminescent lichen poking through the space behind his eyelid. Through the haze and the near total darkness of his den, he could see a pale figure looming over him. Her fur reflected the pale blue glow of the fungi that was steadily creeping out of the various orifices of his face. Furrowing his brows in confusion only brought more pain, stirring the sprouting fungi coming out of his eyes and dragging the not-so-smooth surfaces across the delicate skin of his inner eyelids. "I don't wanna die yet.." he muttered in Fennish to the unsettling spectre that was looking at him so funny.

Another wheezy breath filled his lungs, and something rattled in his chest. Irritation somewhere in his throat stirred a familiar sensation, and the young swamp dweller couldn't fight the violent sneeze that sprayed glowing fluid all over his bed. He was kind enough to turn his head away from the ghostly apparition, since angering the spirits further would likely cause him more suffering in the end. A soft whimper of pain escaped him as he settled back down onto his thoroughly soiled bedding. As he blinked blearily up at the spirit in his den, he could have sworn there was something about it that was familiar to him. He wanted to protect the pale wolf that was haunting his home, but he wasn't exactly sure why. "You should go, you'll get sick too." he warned, this time in the common tongue, aiming for stern and falling short by a mile. A feeble swipe of his paw towards the door, bidding her to abandon the infected hollow beneath the roots of the ancient maple.