
Love at First Sight [babies!]


08-13-2013, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2013, 12:45 PM by Epiphron.)

Stupid, stupid, stupid! He should have never left in the first place! Song had told him that it was completely fine that her family would not be present to see the birthing of their grandchildren, but Cherokee had not thought it to be alright. They were her family and they deserved to at least know that one of their children was bringing new life into the world. So the dark man had set off in the direction that Song had told him her home lay, with the hope that he would be able to convince her family to come back with him to see the birthing of his children. The journey had long and tiresome and when he had finally arrived, locating her family, they had wanted nothing to do with his wife. According to them she had abandoned her responsibilities to her pack and therefore was no longer welcome. Cherokee had been completely dumbfounded. She was their daughter and they were denying her, turning her and their children away. He had tried reasoning with them, but no amount of talking could convince them otherwise. With a heavy heart the man had set himself on the journey back home, trying to make it as swift as possible, knowing that Song would give birth any day now. He had hoped to arrive a day before or maybe the same day before she had given birth, but he had taken too long with her family and his paws had not carried him fast enough.

He'd arrived at their den and much to his panic, Song was not there. Where had she gone? He was quick to locate her scent, pushing his already tired body into overdrive as he forced himself to go as fast as he could, needing to find his wife, to be there for the birth of his children. He would never forgive himself if he missed the birthing of his children. His powerful limbs carried him through the landscape, through the lands surrounding their home as he moved towards a land he had never visited nor even known of before. Her scent was pungent here, heavy with the stench of birthing. But another familiar scent hit his nostrils; Silent. His wife's adopted mother was here, so that had to mean that at least someone was looking after her. Three other unfamiliar scents wafted into his nostrils, sending his hackles on point. Who were these other strangers that were near his wife? He pushed himself, charging through the unfamiliar land, ignoring the scent borders as he rushed to the source of his wife's scent. A russet wolf sat outside of the den and Cherokee slowed his pace to a lope, coming around to face the odd colored wolf, mismatched gems seeking his lime ones. He had no idea who this man was and at the moment, he didn't care. He could smell Song inside of the den before him, as well as Silent and the other two strangers. Turning away from the red man, he approached the entrance of the den, lowering his head to peek inside the den. Song? He called out tentatively, trying to find her ivory figure in the darkness of the cave.

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