
better luck next time


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
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Critical Block!
11-04-2021, 07:36 PM

What he believed to be his end surely was not. Standing there, shoulders hunched, head low, eyes ablaze with frenzy, Gilgamesh does not know where he is anymore. Though he thought he was safe on this patch on land, he was not. Mud squelched around him again, sucking in his paws as he tries to pick them up. Ooze still drips from every orifice of his body, warm and sticky. Couldn't escape. Couldn't leave. Nowhere to go. Every singular piece of fur on his body standing on edge as he continues to swing his head back and forth.

An overwhelming feel begins to spread from his nose. No longer wet, but dry. His lips go number. His eyes flutter, heavy, and unable to stay open. He can't feel himself clacking his teeth together. Was that him biting his own tongue? Couldn't tell as blood and more ooze dripped from him. Confusion flickers across his expression as he finally stops shaking his head. Why couldn't he feel his face anymore? His tongue swells in his mouth, drier than his nose and thick. Can't swallow. Can't feel saliva. Can't do anything...

Gil feels terror now as he brings a paw up to his face. When he believes he's touching his face, nothing happens. Why was he numb? The feeling continues through his head. Did they stop screaming finally? No, couldn't be. The voice was still echoing, but it slurred. Wholly woozy now, he stumbles further into the marsh. Ankle deep in the disgusting mush, he thinks he curls his lips. Why can't he stand up straight? Tripping a few more steps farther, he tries to lean against a tree. Is he drunk? How? He hadn't drunk anything.

Suddenly, his stomach is queasy. Threatening to vomit, he feels the oozy liquid coat his insides. Unable to barely stand, he keeps his eyes closed. It's the only thing he can do to keep this drunk feeling at bay. Scared for his life and continuously trying to swallow past his tongue's dry thickness, he's tempted to bash his head on a tree again. Maybe that will get it to stop. Minutes pass and minutes fade. Feels like an eternity. Days, no weeks, no maybe months go by. Forever stuck in this swamp to perish by himself. What a fucking way to go.

But then it stops. The drunk feeling subsides after what actually was less than a half-hour and he can see again. Unfortunately, the oozing condition hasn't gone away. And his face is still slightly numb. Going back to softly shaking his head, he snarls under his breath. "Who is doing this to me?" Gil questions out loud, peering into the darkness as he feels the eyes creeping back toward him.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him