
Whoa, No



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

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Master Hunter (280)

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5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-04-2021, 08:07 PM
**Thread takes place before Fern's Phase 3 Event thread**

Fern has been spending her time wandering around the outside of the castle. She had promised Rudy to stick around and she kept her promise. However, as the days wore on, Fern had started to feel self-conscious. To her, staying inside a place with wolves she barely knew was difficult. Especially since she has seen their judging eyes and scarcely concealed smirks that seem to follow her everywhere she goes. Sure, they pretend to be her friends, offer her kind words but the moment she turns away…

Dark thoughts and despair swirl in her chest, making Fern doubt everyone and everything. The moody wolf stalks the grounds, no longer certain what is real or fantasy. That is why she stays away from the castle as much as possible and why, when she hears the call for the help, Fern almost doesn’t answer. However, the thought of how disappointed Rudy would be if she heard a call for help and did not offer her help is enough to have the gray girl running toward the danger. As she nears the area, the scent of a bear greets her and she spurs herself into action.

Paws close the distance and soon the wolf and bear come into view. The bear roars its displeasure as the large wolf leaps up and sinks its teeth deep into the flesh of the bear’s shoulder. Fern notices the crystals that jut from the creature’s back, causing a thick goo to ooze slowly from under them. Horror and disgust course through Fern as she looks at the bear’s face. It is contorted in pain and Fern thinks that she briefly sees fear in the beast’s face.

Luck is on her side as Fern appears from the opposite side of the larger wolf and slightly behind the bear’s line of sight. As the bear aims its other front paw to swing at the other wolf’s head, Fern dashes into the fray. Teeth glisten in the darkness as her mouth flashes open to close around the back leg that is opposite the of the shoulder the wolf attacked. As Fern’s teeth find purchase and the bear roars its surprise and anger, the smaller wolf uses her momentum to throw her body to ground and allow gravity to rip flesh as she falls.

Blood trails down the injured bears back leg as Fern rolls to avoid a paw aimed towards her. Swiftly, Fern is back on her paws and moving around the bear. Sparing a look to the other wolf, Fern tilts her head slightly to let the other wolf know she is there to help. Eyes turn back to the bear as her lips pull away in a snarl. Fern readies her body for her next attack.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Post Word Count: 458
Total Word Count: 929
Word Count Goal: 1500
(count does not include ooc words)
