
Falling Petals


08-13-2013, 12:53 PM
Kaveh Kyra

Soon enough his dear sister appeared next to him with her own catch of fish, making him chuckle with the haul they had gathered. His tail wagged as well and he gave the top of her head an affectionate lick. "Indeed we shall!" He bent his head down to the side of his kill, neatly tearing the doe open with his sharp teeth, tearing off a piece of the warm flesh for the each of them. He settled down onto his stomach with the meat between his forepaws, digging into the meal heartily. Once he was done with the first course he licked his muzzle and paws clean before pulling one of the fish toward him and carefully picking it apart and eating it as well. It was the best meal he had eaten in a long time, made all the sweeter by having his long lost sister here to enjoy it with him.

He pushed the remains of the fish away from him as he finished with a content sigh, licking his muzzle clean once again. He smiled at Ely, waiting for the fea to finish her meal as well. She had grown into a lovely young woman and he was proud to call her his family. Once she was done, he suggested, "Why don't we go find this Demonio of yours? I'm eager to meet the brute that took care of my sister." He stood, shaking out his coat and smiling at his sister again, waiting for her to take the lead to introduce him to her adoptive father.

ooc: feel free to have them exit now :3
We'll get with Wolf about a Ely x Kaveh x Demo thread :D
