
Short Change Hero

Fern/Meadow Event Thread


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-05-2021, 02:33 PM

The sound of Fern’s labored wheezing fills the silence that falls after her cruel words. Eyes burn with hate as she looks at the opaque figure of her mother. Meadow’s sad eyes capture her gaze and Fern tries to hold onto the animosity that burns through her body. It is the only thing that she has left. The only thing that Meadow gave her. As Fern stokes the raging fire inside her, Meadow’s voice breaks through the heat and anger like a cool breeze on a hot day. Where Fern had expected disgust and fury, she finds, instead, acceptance and understanding. The ooze that leaks out of her face disguises the tears that mingle with the goo as they fall down her cheeks.

Fern wants to rage at her mother, to tell the woman to stop being so kind, to tell her she wasn’t going to allow Meadow to take the blame that Fern has already laid on her. Nothing makes sense anymore to the oozing wolf as she listens to Meadow’s gentle tones try to soothe the deep ache inside Fern’s soul. The hate that had burned so bright only moments ago, dwindles as Fern blinks her cloudily eyes. More of the thick goo escapes down her cheeks as Meadow lets her know that she was glad to have Fern. With those words, the blaze dies completely, leaving Fern feeling hollow and spent.

Head lowers as Fern’s already ragged breathes start to come in faster sequences. The ooze coats the back of her throat and it takes effort to get air past it. Vaguely, Fern is aware that she is having another panic attack as the breaths come in shallow, uneven, fast succession. The world dissolves to a pinpoint of light as panic takes over her brain. She feels the ghost’s presence draw closer and Fern hears her mother’s familiar words cooing to her through the building fear. Anxiety grips her tight and tries to drag Fern under as she begins the all too familiar battle once more. Meadow’s peaceful voice breaks through the fog, offering a life ring to the drowning wolf.

Grabbing onto the sounds and calm voice, Fern follows it, regulating her breathing the way Meadow coaches her to do. The world snaps back into focus around Fern and she is able to, once more, focus herself in the moment. Tension slowly leaves her muscles, leaving Fern feeling weak and drained. Meadow calls to her and Fern lifts her heavy head to look at the apparition. Blinking her eyes furiously to clear the ooze that coats them, Fern’s voice questions, “Mo- mom? Wha- what… what is happening to me?” Her stuttered words are tinged with fear as haunted eyes try to search the incorporeal form’s face.

However, Fern doesn’t hear her mother’s answer as aqua eyes catch movement behind the ghost. Body tenses as more specters appear through the fog. Their glowing eyes and wide, unhinged smiles seem to project their evil intentions as they near. Horror once more seizes her heart as these new forms start to chitter and cackle as they move. It sounds alarm her as their off-pitch, high, sounds of delight stab at her ears. Wincing, Fern drops back toward the stone pillar that had started this all. The chattering ghosts encircle her, pinning Fern with her back against the rock. They stop a few feet from her, their heads seeming to have no neck as they spin freely and tilt at impossible angles.

The cackles finally die away as they stand there watching Fern, judging her silently as fear surges through the gray girl. Where is Meadow? Why isn’t Meadow helping her? Everything is wrong as one of the wolves steps toward her. Its bottom jaw falls open, almost hitting the ground, as it emits a high, piercing scream. Fern thinks her ears are going to start bleeding as the sound stabs into her brain and seems to continue on forever.
