
Can't Get You Outta My Mind




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
11-06-2021, 01:25 PM

Azzurra smiled a little as Balthier mentioned how hard her life had been, giving a small nod as she glanced down at his chest, looking at the dark fur there while her small paws absentmindedly played with it. It was impossible for her to forget the difficulty she had faced pretty much since the day she was born, but sometimes she lost perspective of just how hard it had been. All she had ever known was being sick, being without their mother, the weird glances from her father, his disappearance, their death... There hadn't been much good or happiness to look back on. When everything was bad and painful it was hard to recognize that it was bad and painful. It all felt the same. It was only when she started spending more time with Balthier and she got a taste of happiness and when she started to get better and got tastes of freedom that she began to be able to understand just how hard her life had been.

Balthier made everything better. He brought her out of Abaven, gave her the adventure and freedom she had always craved, he gave her the attention and care that she needed. He gave her everything and she could only try to repay him for everything he had done. His paw on her side left little tingles across her skin and she brought her gaze back up to his face, blue eyes searching his. She always loved seeing his eyes this close. The pretty gradient from a purplish hue to a bright, aqua blue was one of her favorite features of his. She would never admit it, but she was secretly envious of her brother. He was brave, strong, and skilled... Striking and handsome in his appearance. She felt so weak and plain in comparison. Despite her own thoughts of herself he did things like hold her and make her feel loved.

As if reading her thoughts he told her how beautiful she was and her ears flicked back shyly with a flush coming over her features, the pink of her skin peeking through where her fur was palest. "And you're so handsome, Balth," she said softly in return and she meant it. Whenever he looked at her like this he made her feel like she was the only other wolf in the entire world, like she was the single most important thing to him, and that feeling made her heart skip and flutter in her chest. Her toes delicately curled around clumps of the fur on his chest as he brought his muzzle down to hers, feeling her breath catch in her chest in the few moments before he kissed her and a relief when he finally did. No matter how many times they were like this it never really lost its luster. It still blew her away each and every time and made her want to keep this moment going for as long as she could.
