


08-13-2013, 01:06 PM

Healing was an art, that Eris adored, after being the cast out for so long in her life, instead of retaliating with weak anger, she came back at those who had done her wrong with incredible gentleness, an unspeakable strength. Even when she had lain, beside her still-born pups, abandoned by their father who thought she would be "better off", yes even then, she had found strength in her tears, and in the soul that would never allow her to act maliciously against another. She would welcome the paws of another healer, and found truth in Argents words, nodding her head in aggreement, she would speak, "Yes, I see that the kingdom is rapidly expanding, and though the help I will welcome, I must admit, I'll miss the novelty of being the only one." Her speech would end with a gentle wink, in the other lasses direction.

Her ear would flick, taking in her response to her greeting, "You're welcome.", she would murmur before growing quiet again to listen to her story. Her heart went out to the other wolf, and she felt a sense of pride in Isardis, for helping her, though she did not miss the glow in her eyes, as she spoke of him. Do she love him? Perhaps more than she should? She wondered to herself, fearing for the other dames heart.

"I'm glad Isardis helped you, and that you found him again. You seem like a capable warrior, Argent, I can see what Isardis saw in you. He has interesting ways, but he is a capable king, and a king who takes care of his people, you could do far worse." She meant her words, and though they ended in a chuckle, as she spoke of Isardis's interesting ways, she truly meant what she said about her king, he had her approval, which wasn't always the most easy thing to come by.
