
I don't like this any more, Dad




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-06-2021, 05:44 PM

Avancyn rested her head on her father's chest while he told her his story, listening to it and focusing on his words to help keep her mind off of the other stuff going on. She enjoyed picturing the stuff he was describing, letting her dark eyes drift closed while she let the scene he painted for her play out on her eyelids. A little smile pulled onto her lips while she imagined the prince and princess, especially when he talked about how they had worked together to best the giant beast and killed it together. She imagined it was her and Saracyn fighting some fearsome beast when they were big and strong like their parents. Her ears perked when he said how they were were so similar that they shared a soul. Their mother had mentioned some stuff about the Mendacium family and the stuff they believed and why she and her brother were so special before and she knew that their souls were a big deal. When her father started saying how the prince and princess had two children of their own she started to pick up on the fact that it was actually her mother and father that he was talking about and when he mentioned the mushrooms she knew it just had to be them and the story of how they met. She grinned as he finished his story, her tail wagging gently. "Dad, was that-" she started to ask, but when she tried to open her eyes everything was all blurry.

She stopped, blinking and shaking her head to try and focus her eyes, but when she did she suddenly realized she wasn't laying on her father any more. Avacyn opened her eyes and she was suddenly all alone in the cave, everything weird and misty around her. Her ears fell back against her head and she looked around for a moment, feeling a bit of panic. Where was she? One of the glowing mushrooms on her shoulder caught her eye in the edge of her vision and she turned her head to look at it, her stomach suddenly growling even though she had just eaten a couple of hours before. It was weirdly enticing with the same sort of feeling like she just had to do something like she had when she ripped off one of the other mushrooms on her leg earlier. She knew it was a bad, bad idea but she just reeeeally wanted to eat one of them. She swallowed uncertainly as she eyed the mushroom, hesitantly opening her mouth to take a bite.

Right before she could though she heard a voice that she had only heard once before and it made her jump, turning her ebony gaze to look at the cloaked firefly figure that was once again standing behind a table with some stuff laid out on it. She frowned as she looked up at him accusingly, listening to him tell her to only pick one thing if she could afford it just like last time. She ignored the stuff for a moment, glaring up at the weird figure. "Why did you hurt me and my dad?!" she questioned with a pout. "You said you liked me! You don't just make mushrooms glow on wolves you like... and if that is what you do then that's not very nice." She huffed, making herself cough a couple of times as she looked at the table of stuff for a moment. Suddenly realizing that a pile of crystals and mushrooms were beside her along with the glowing coupon that he had given her last time. She didn't know if it was really a good idea buying stuff from him after what had happened last time, but she did have this coupon and if she didn't use it then all of this was just for nothing. She frowned and considered for a moment before really looking at the items in front of her.

The first thing looked like the same weird bottle he had tried to sell her last time and there was barely even anything in the second bottle so she wasn't sure if she wanted either of those. The last bottle did seem pretty cool through with it's shiny silver liquid that had a pretty gleam to it that reflected the light from the firefly guy's own glow and the glow from her brightly shining marking around her eye. She didn't know what the symbol on the side was supposed to mean, but she guessed that was the most appealing of the options. She glanced down at the stuff beside her and picked up two of the mushrooms and one of the crystals, putting them on the table. "I'll take this, I guess," she told him, picking up the shiny silver potion and removing it from the table in exchange. She sat the bottle down beside her and then picked up the glowing coupon, putting it on the table as well. "While you're here... What does this do?"

ooc: Used three currency to buy a Potion of Perception and used a previously purchased Coupon

"Avacyn Mendacium"