
Can't Get You Outta My Mind




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
11-06-2021, 06:08 PM

Azzurra kept her lips pressed to Balthier's, returning his kiss in earnest and her eyes flickering closed as she savored it. She wondered if these moments would ever stop making her heart race or stop stealing her breath away. Without really even realizing what she was doing she pulled herself tighter to him while they kissed, her paws shifting up from his chest to wrap around the back of his neck as she did so. Even just the feeling of their fur mingling together and his strong, warm body pressed to hers made her feel things that she didn't understand, but she didn't want to stop. He made her feel beautiful, loved, important... He made her feel wanted and she needed that more than even she really understood. He gave her everything she needed and even gave her the things she didn't know she needed.

Her heart skipped in her chest when Balthier rolled them so that he was on top of her, but she didn't pull away. She had never known what it was they were doing until they did it, only figuring things out together and doing what felt good. She didn't fully understand why it felt right to have his body pressed into hers, but it did and it only made that gnawing, burning desire in her belly burn brighter. She felt him, all of him, against her and eventually she made herself pull away from his kiss with a soft gasp, panting lightly as she blinked her eyes open to look up at him. She didn't know exactly what she wanted, she just knew she needed him, more of him. He was the only thing that gave her any kind of relief and she needed that more than ever. With a nervous flutter in her belly, she brushed her muzzle against his, holding onto him as if doing so could help keep her in one piece. "I... I want more, Balth..." she whispered, desperately hoping he would know what that more meant.
