
Can't Get You Outta My Mind




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
11-06-2021, 07:46 PM

What little control she had over her heart was thrown out the window when Baltheir heard her plea for more and pressed back into another deep, heated kiss. She clung to him with the toes of her forepaws curled around clumps of fur in his scruff, desperate and nervous and excited and anxious all at once. She trusted Balthier with her life and trusted him implicitly as she gave herself over to him now. She felt him shift and just before he found parts of her that no one else had known he pulled away from their kiss and she looked up into his eyes again, holding his gaze as he stole her breath away and introduced her to feelings and sensations she had never known before. They weren't all good feelings, at least not at first, and her ears folded back as she tried to only focus on his eyes and his face through the worst of it until she got used to the feeling of them coming together like this. Once he nearly collapsed from it and she saw just how much he enjoyed it, heard his breathy whispers against her ear, she knew every second of discomfort was worth it just to give him this. "I didn't either..." she whispered back, breathless and overwhelmed. She returned his kiss again and only thought of how much she cared for him and how grateful she was to be able to share this moment with him, giving him everything and more.

- fade -

She was curled into his chest when everything was done, breathless and tired as she reeled from it all, her mind still trying to catch up with the present after tumbling so fast into things she hadn't expected to experience. If there was anyone that she wanted this experience with it was Balthier. He was the only one she trusted enough to have all of her like that and she couldn't stop hearing his voice replying in her mind. "I didn't know this is what I've wanted all this time." She was able to give him something that he wanted and even though she could never repay him for everything he had done for her it felt like maybe she had something else to offer him in exchange now. She adored the way he reacted, the way he looked at her. It was a feeling she had already been addicted to and that feeling only deepened now. She nuzzled into his neck as she started to catch her breath, eventually lifting her head enough to find his gaze again. Even though she had overcome the worst of her illness and she was growing stronger every day, something this physical had still worn her out and she looked at him with tired, heavy lidded eyes. "I love you, Balthier," she said softly before she rested her head on his chest again, letting her eyes close for a moment.
