
Can't Get You Outta My Mind




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
11-06-2021, 11:04 PM

Balthier pulled her in closer, her thin, small frame easily moved by him, but it didn't feel the same. Now that she had seen the look on his face and picked up on his displeasure she couldn't unsee it. She almost wished she could just brush it off and say she was imagining things so that she could go back to basking in the love and contentment she had felt, but that was swept away now. Worry took the place of that in her chest and something else that she couldn't quite name. The only way she knew how to describe it was rejection, but she didn't even know what exactly she was being rejected from. He had said it himself. This was what he wanted. She had given him every part of herself so that he could feel good and have what he wanted and she had been happy and satisfied in knowing that she had given him that pleasure in return for everything he had done for her. And now as he tried to brush off her concerns and tell her to go to sleep she felt a little panic creep up in her chest. "No, what is it?" she insisted, her two toned ears against her head as she searched his face.

He didn't answer her and that worried her more. The way he cradled her with his foreleg around her shoulders probably should have helped, but if anything it just made it worse. She had been coddled and cared for for so long, but she didn't want to brush this away. She felt like they had shared something so special and important and now for him to feel like this... She needed to know why. She frowned at his insistence for her to just remember the best parts of this and her chest felt tight as she pushed her paws into his chest to force herself away from him enough to be able to look up at him again with a furrow in her brow. "Balthier, what do you mean? What are the bad parts? What's wrong?"
