
Ghost Tales



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
11-07-2021, 02:12 AM

“I uh, don’t believe in, uh, ghosts.” Chade was already doubting the words as he said them.  So, until a minute ago he hadn’t believed in ghosts.  Truth be told he never gave it much thought.  However, if ghosts were real why hadn’t dad visited them before?  Did ghosts have conditions to keep or something?

“No? Well, I guess you can ignore me then.” Saying that the ghost wolf laid down.  “weren’t you going hunting?”

Chade was more than happy to let Ricin speak up as he was still trying to decide what you say to a ghost.  He watched Ricin interact with it surprised he seemed so ok with it.  Chade took the time to get over his own shock so he could join in.  There came a point where Ricin looked towards him for an opinion before he pointed out they were alone.  Chade didn’t know if it was wise but he also didn’t know if it was smart.  Could ghosts do anything or have reason to do anything to them.

“I see,” the ghost wolf mused softly, “What strong children alive on their own.” The eyes flicked to Chade, “your brother seems to believe I’m real, so will you trust him then?

Chade furrowed his brow, “neither of us trust you but, yes I trust my brother.  You haven’t told us your name. Why are you here anyway?  We told you.” Sorta, kinda.  They told him they were alone and that sort of was like saying why, right?

“I’m not sure why I am here,” The old ghost looked up to the moon then at the fireflies and growths about the place, “it seems times have changed since I’ve been about but at least the moon is bright.  The moon is eternal you see so as long as its in the sky then everything will go back to right in time.  I always sought it out for guidance.”

“But, the moon doesn’t talk and you never said your name,” Chade stubbornly pointed out with a glance to Ricin for verification they weren’t missing something.

“Call my Auntie Vela hmm?” she chuckles then, “and the moon only talks to those who listen to it.  The earth, moon, everything has a spirit to it.  Do you really think such eternal things don’t have spirits?  That’s rather rude to them.  Be polite to them and they will be polite to you.”  Not that there was any blood shared between her and the pups but if they were alone perhaps they'd like talking to 'Aunt Vela'

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