
Can't Get You Outta My Mind




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
11-07-2021, 09:50 AM

Azzurra saw his frustration deepen as she pushed to try and get answers from him, insisting on knowing what was causing him to feel anything but good about what they had shared. She couldn’t understand what was keeping him from telling her. They shared everything. They knew each other inside and out. Why was this suddenly the line he drew where he decided this was what he didn’t want to talk about it? She wasn’t going to just let this go, she refused. If she did it would just eat her up with worry that it was something she did, something that was her fault—just like how she felt about their parents abandoning them.

But then he rolled and pushed her down into the furs again, standing over her and yelling down at her with frustration. She gasped and her ears pinned back, staring up at him with wide eyed shock and fear, her paws pulling away from him as they tucked against her chest. And then all at once he was gone. He got off of her and stormed out, leaving her alone and hurt—physically and emotionally.

Tears filled her eyes as she rolled onto her stomach, wincing a bit at how sore she was as she moved, and she looked toward the door of the den where Balthier had disappeared. He had never spoken to her like that, never treated her like that. Things had felt so perfect and blissful and then suddenly it all came crashing down. Just when she thought she had something good it all shattered. She curled into herself with her back to the door, covering her face with her forelegs while she cried. She almost wished Balthier had never shown her how good things could be because it hurt even more when it wasn’t.
