
Fresh Spring Days



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
11-07-2021, 11:51 AM
Alright, life in Boreas was just weird, but if it was there to stay, she might as well explore it and get used to it. She was never one to resist change for long; how else could one grow and have fun? Emphasis, of course, on have fun. Today, though, she wasn't here to have fun; she was here to enjoy herself and relax in a beautiful area of Boreas that she had always loved. Early spring was upon them, and the world was beginning to truly wake up. Or... rather, it was supposed to. Normally, this time of year, the sun would be sparkling above. Herbs and flowers would start poking out of the ground, and lush grass would begin to flourish. It was, after all, spring, and the Fern Gulley was one of the best places to see that. A flitter of worry passed through Lyra: would there be enough herbs this coming season to treat the various wounds, and diseases that liked to crop up? She wasn't skilled in herblore, so she could look at the plants all she wanted and all they were to her were pretty greenery. For the experienced healers in packs, though... would there be enough?

Shaking her head, she banished the thought. Her purpose today was to relax as much as possible, as difficult as the fog with the constant whispers and the other strange happenings made it. Even the Fern Gulley was not untouched: near melting pools of water, fungi grew; where animal bones had been decaying, clusters of shining minerals - crystals - grew. In the fog, blue fireflies flickered in and out of view. There was no escaping it, and it had only gotten worse as time went on.

Ugh. The damn fog, the lack of daylight, the lack of sight, all of it was beginning to press on her. Even prey animals and other predators had started to become affected, some acting strange. The oozing seemed to be the worst of them all, making wolves and other animals act... erratic. She didn't even want to risk killing one as prey. It was just... creepy.

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse