
Things That Go 'Bump' In The Night

Bonus Seasonal Prompt w/ Chade



11-08-2021, 07:35 PM
Ricin & Chade

As the pair of young boys wash the, probably, diseased blood from their faces something thrums through the air. It's like a brief shock of static electricity and every single strand of fur on both of their bodies stands at attention. It's subtle at first, as they both look around at first nothing seems off. But as Chade looks back at the water, intent on once more trying for one of the fish swimming tantalizingly close he spots something off about the blood, where he might expect it to slowly disperse through the water instead it seemed to have coagulated just on the surface of the water, like oil but thicker... And pulsing, not in light, no but the surface of the blood layer seemed to... Breathe? A fin breaks the surface of the water for a moment and then... A whole fish floats to the surface, it's glassy eyes staring blankly up at the two pups. Behind Chade, Ricin notices that things are growing brighter. With each passing heartbeat the mushrooms and crystals seem to get more and more brilliant and just as the fish surfaces they crescendo, blinding the two boys for a moment and then suddenly the light dies... And the water is clear, blood and fish both gone.