
Ghost Tales


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-09-2021, 03:36 PM
An easy smile rests on Ricin’s lips as he listens to his brother and the ghost converse. The information this ‘Aunt Vela’ shares is taken and stowed neatly away for further questions. When Chade lags in the conversation, Ricin easily picks it back up. Dipping his head in respect, Ricin says, “It is a pleasure to meet you Auntie Vela. It appears my brother and I have differing opinions on ghosts and spirits.” Casting his brother a look, Ricin tries to relay to Chade that the lighter boy is unsure of what he believes but maybe this specter has useful information.

Moving closer to the fog-shaped wolf, Ricin mirrors her stance and lays upon the cool grass in front of her. Once comfortable, the boy asks, “So, Auntie Vela, how do you know that all those things have spirits too? How did you first hear the moon speak?” His head tilts questioningly to the side as his crimson eyes burn bright with curiosity. The wispy wolf laughs softly looking at Ricin and says, “Ah, youth. Always so curious. Trying to understand the incomprehensible.” A shrug of ghostly shoulders accompanies her next words, “There is not ‘one’ instance that lead me to know these truths. Nor was there a time where I suddenly heard the moon. I was born knowing those truths in my soul. As for the moon… she has talked to me from the moment I could hear.”

With that she tilts her head back to look up at the glowing moon. As Auntie Vela looks to away, Ricin casts a wary look toward Chade, showing his brother that he is unsure if he truly believes this wolf. However, as his gaze turns away from the phantom wolf toward his brother, Ricin’s attention is drawn, instead, to the clearing around them. Rays of moonlight have penetrated the thick fog and darkness, driving the encroaching black away and creating a pool of soft, silver light around the three of them. Head turns every which way, watching as the rolling fog pass around the pool of light. Jaw drops as Ricin looks back to the ghost to see her looking into his eyes. A knowing smile spreads across her ethereal lip as Ricin pumps his jaw, trying to get his brain to catch up with his voice. Finally, Ricin whispers, “How?”

A gentle, melodious laugh dances around the brothers as Vela sings her pleasure at Ricin’s disbelief. After a few moments, the pleasant sound falls away and is replaced by Vela’s voice, “Ah, I see now. You will believe whatever suits the situation. Hmm?” Her voice is kind and filled with humor, disarming the untrusting brother and causing a genuinely happy smile to appear. Something tells him to trust this spirit and he does. Any tension left in his frame bleeds away and Ricin finds himself living in the moment and enjoying time with this wolf.

Tail thumps the ground lightly as he laughs at himself, saying, “Well, when you are alone in the world, you learn to be… adaptable.” Throwing a wink at the wispy wolf, Ricin voice suddenly takes on a serious tone as he asks, “Auntie Vela, will you teach me to talk to the moon?” Eyes gleam with curiosity and eagerness as crimson eyes look from Vela to Chade wondering if his brother wants to learn the mysteries of the moon with him.
