
Waves of nature

for Zora



Novice Navigator (20)

Advanced Hunter (95)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-10-2021, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2021, 07:07 PM by Nyx. Edited 3 times in total.)
Whatever kind of place this was, well... Nami had never seen anything like it before. And that wasn't even taking the strange circumstances that these lands had found themselves in (and that she had found herself in into account. More than once she found herself wondering if she ought to make the journey back home and face the consequences of abandoning her family, but traveling in such circumstances seemed reckless at best. The sun seemed to be hiding away, as if afraid of what had become of the world, and truthfully Nami didn't blame it... she was finding herself increasingly edgier as the world grew darker. Never before had she been afraid of the dark but now she found herself longing for sunlight like a starved animal looking for scraps of food. At least here, at the edge of the land, the sky was free of trees that might block out what limited light was left. Even the glimmer of the stars and moon wasn't enough to calm her anxious soul - and it certainly didn't help with the ooze.

At first she hadn't thought much of it. The fluid that oozed from the nose and eyes was about the same texture as snot, but the color increasingly became brighter and brighter. As the days went on her symptoms only worsened - she could only suspect she'd caught something that her body wasn't used to from these lands, but part of her worried incessantly that she was dying and that no one could save her. Trying to brush away the paranoia growing in her mind, she sought comfort in the sound of the ocean waves lapping at the shore, a familiar sound that took her back to her familiar homelands. Beneath her paws was a beach of jet black sand, a far cry from the pale beaches she was used to. At least the waves of the sea seemed unchanged, at least that she could tell so far...