
Warmer Weather

Segin ♡



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
11-11-2021, 11:55 AM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2021, 11:56 AM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Segin listened attentively as Emersyn explained how she was trying to figure out how to get the band back on track. He nodded in approval, knowing that they had to do something to make this band worth having if they were going to keep it going. He did love the idea of them being the healers and medics they had set out to be and he certainly hoped they could get back to that. The only thing that made that slightly difficult was that he and Indigo were the band's main healers, but with Indigo out of commission for the time being that left him as their only real healer and he was still in training as far as he was concerned. Even still, he was willing to put in as much work as it took to make it happen as long as Emersyn wished it to be so. If she could do something as important as stepping up to be their leader then he could be their lead healer as well. Together they could make this work.

He looked across the prairie as she gestured to it, listening to her suggestion of staying here for the first half of spring and how they would move around to follow the warmer weather. That most certainly appealed to him! He hated the colder weather and lamented the fact that they weren't in Auster for all of this past winter anyway. Plus, the benefit of being wherever herbs were currently growing would be a great benefit for them if they really wanted to focus on being healers and medics. At her addressing him as her second in command he grinned and looked up at her with a chuckle. He didn't feel like he could be in command of anything, but if supporting her made him her second by default then he'd gladly be just that. "That sounds like a fabulous plan to me, beautiful," he replied, reaching up to give her a little kiss on her lips.

Segin Epsilon