
Bridges can be mended




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-11-2021, 01:10 PM

Plague gently squeezed his mother in his embrace while she sobbed into his chest, his heart aching at the sight of her. The regret he felt for not reaching out to her sooner sat heavy on him while he held her and now all he wanted to do was make it right. Maybe there was some rift between her and Venom that kept her away, but whatever it was didn't matter to him now. Archon was a far flung, distant memory, Toxicity was gone, Calamity was gone, Pestilence was gone. It was just him and Venom left and with the family he was building for himself he was grasping at any shred of their family he had left, hoping to hold them together so his children could experience the close knit family they once had. He gave a little shake of his head as she apologized, saying she had failed him. "No, we all failed here... We were blinded and we all could have done better."

He pulled a small smile onto his lips as he looked down at her, keeping one foreleg around her shoulders while the other released her long enough for his paw to lift to her cheeks and brush away the tears there. "I came to bring you some news... Good and bad." He was never good at having attention on himself even though he was excited to tell her the developments in his life so he decided to get that out of the way first. "I don't know if you knew that I'm married... His name is Void," he told her, curiously watching her expression. He didn't know where she might stand on his choice to marry a man, but he kept going all the same. "We have a dear friend who agreed to be our surrogate and... well, she's expecting so... we're going to be a fathers." A proud grin pulled across his features at that, his tail wagging gently against the ground behind him. "I... um... I hope you'll want to be a part of their lives. I would love for them to grow up knowing you."

As excited as he was for his own children, he would be doing the rest of his family a disservice if he didn't at least let her know what else was going on with them. After she had a moment for his news to sink in he moved on, saying, "Chimera and Siren left Ashen fairly recently. Chimera founded a pack in Auster called Fenmyre. I haven't been down to visit yet, but I've heard that it's on an island in northern Auster." He didn't know if their mother would ever want to visit or perhaps distance herself from Habari, but he felt like it would be good information to have. Perhaps if she didn't feel comfortable living in Ashen again maybe she would be more at home in Fenmyre. He'd feel more welcome in visiting Fenmyre than Habari to see her at the very least.

"It does sound like Chimera has been having a hard time though..." he mused with a soft frown. "Apparently he's had quite a few children that were still born... I don't know all the details, just stuff I've overheard from information going back and forth between him and Venom, but... I feel awful for him all the same." Now that Rava was pregnant his own fears of how the pregnancy would go, if their children would all be born healthy, and having to learn how to be a father had all started to creep up on him and hearing about Chimera's misfortunes in that department didn't exactly ease his concerns. He was already a bit over protective of Rava as it was so he was doing his best to not be smothering of her while she carried their children. He was glad that he had her join Ashen when he did so at least they would have their best healers at the ready just in case.

Plague | Viridis | Procella