
because i'm broken



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
11-11-2021, 06:22 PM

He nuzzled into the top of Indigo's head as it settled on his chest and he wrapped his slim forelegs around Indigo's neck, holding him while he told him about how crippled he felt, how he didn't want to be like this, how this inner pain was so much worse than the physical pain. "I know," Segin replied quietly, giving Indigo's red marked ear a gentle kiss, running his paws through the thick fur of his mane. "You saw how I was when I first found you... and that was months after my brother was killed. Physical pain we can heal and apply herbs to and watch it mend. Emotional wounds... not so much." He sighed as he nuzzled the larger man again, unable to keep himself from loving on Indigo as if that might just make everything better.

"But... I was alone back then. You're not. You have me, Emersyn, Gypsy... even Duchess. I know we're not Aslatiel and I know we're not the children you lost, but... we love you. We want to see you smile again." He kissed the top of Indigo's head, one of his paws moving to brush the violet man's cheek while his kisses trailed down the top of Indigo's muzzle. "You're so lucky to have so many wolves that love you. Don't let this tragedy blind you from that. Before I found you I would have done anything for one single wolf who genuinely cared about me... but you gave me that. You gave me what I needed so let me help you." He hugged Indigo a little tighter, leaving another kiss on his nose. "Please let me help you... It hurts so much to see you like this."

Segin Epsilon