
It Begins Again



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-11-2021, 11:06 PM

He had returned to the place he had always considered home. With or without a pack, Greed always found comfort in the Pines. Spring had crept up on the lands, though with the now never-ending darkness, it didn't quite feel like Spring...the elder male made his way to where Avalon and Dragon lay buried. He had marked both their graves, though had initially been surprised when he'd found Dragon's body lying still near where Avalon rested. The old Ancoran prince had finally passed, and Greed had buried him properly alongside the Ancoran matriarch where he belonged. They were both home and at ease, no longer suffering or in pain or worrying about the troubles of the world. He was sure that someday soon, he'd join them as well...but when he didn't know. Claire was the only one left that he knew of...the others had dispersed into the world, though where they'd gone he wasn't sure. Even Claire had taken her own path, but she still came around to see him every other day to make sure he was still okay.

He approached the gravesites but stopped when he saw someone standing over the graves. Hackles rose instinctively, a growl starting to form, though stopped abruptly when he heard the voice. He stood still. Quiet. The silence nearly deafening as he couldn't believe his eyes. But then he realized who it was. "Avalon?" She turned to look at him, and he couldn't wrap his head around it. She spoke to him, and he swore he almost stopped breathing. How was this possible? She was...dead... And yet, as he looked at her, she looked almost like she was alive...but not quite. "" He stammered in disbelief. The glow of the crystals and mushrooms that surrounded them in the darkness made the scene look even more eerie and surreal, but even without them, he still would've been in shock just as much.


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