



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
11-12-2021, 01:07 AM

Briar chuckled softly as Lia bumped her side with her head and Briar lightly bumped Lia's side with her hip in return. The two of them had become fast friends in the time since Artorias brought her to the Armada and she was extremely grateful to have Lia here. She wasn't just a good Handmaiden and helper with pretty much any of their tasks, but she kept the days she had left living in Boreas from being so lonely. When they reached the river in question she slipped the net from her back and started carefully unfurling it with Lia's help. "This part of the river doesn't seem to be flowing too fast," she said once the net was ready to be released into the water, dipping a paw into the flowing river experimentally. "Hopefully our net won't get swept away here!"

She took one side of the net while Lia took the other and the pair of them managed well enough getting the net thrown out into the river after a couple of attempts. She could see how they might get pretty good at this with a bit of time and practice! If they were successful then this could be a great way for them to help provide for the pack while everyone was laid up with these strange illnesses. "I'll stay here and make sure the net doesn't run away from us," she said with a chuckle, holding on to a part of the net that was on the bank so they would have something to pull it in from. "You go ahead and start looking for herbs, I'll call you when it looks like we have enough fish to try pulling it in!"

She watched Lia go off in search of herbs, Willow following her Handmaiden dutifully, and then turned her turquoise gaze back to the net to watch it at work. Her mind wandered as it always did to Art, wondering how he was doing and worrying whether these strange illnesses were effecting The Hallows in the same way they were Armada. It did make her concerned that maybe something else had happened to Art, especially after the blinding he only just recently recovered from, but she tried not to dwell on it too much. Surely if something dire were to happen someone would send for her. There was hopefully no reason for her to worry right now and her hurrying there to worry over him when he surely had his paws full as an alpha would do no good.

To her delight while she was musing about her boyfriend several fish ended up hung in the net. It was big enough that it probably could have held more, but there was at least enough for a first test run. She also didn't want to get it so heavy that it was difficult for the two of them to pull out. "Lia! Come help me with the net!" she called, looking back over her shoulder till she spotted her friend coming back to join her at the edge of the river. She passed off one of the edges of the net to Lia before gripping the other edge between her teeth. She gave Lia a nod and then began to pull, but was surprised at how difficult it was. It didn't cross her mind that maybe the net was hung on something until she felt the woven ropes give and they suddenly stumbled backward as the resistance on the net all at once disappeared.

She blinked with surprise once she caught her footing, looking down at the net that was now on the ground in front of them. Her ears flicked back with disappointment when she saw their fish were gone, a large hole torn in the net making her sigh unhappily. "Damn! What did it even get caught on? A rock? It would have had to have been a pretty sharp rock to tear through this..." She looked back toward the river with a frown, but then her eyes caught the glimmer of something just slightly sticking out of the water. Her brows pulled together with a tilt of her head as she abandoned the net in favor of investigating the gleam of metal she thought she saw. "Did you see that?" she questioned, wondering if maybe she imagined it.

"Briar Zeitgeist Fatalis"