
Sing this lovesick melody




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
11-13-2021, 01:00 AM

Azzurra blinked open her eyes as she slowly worked her way out of sleep, looking across to the other side of the still dark den. With the sun seemingly permanently hidden away it was always pretty dark, but if she had to guess it was probably pretty early in the morning—not that time really made much difference these days. They just kind of were awake until they got tired and slept until they wanted to get up since there was no real day or real night. Her sapphire gaze landed on Balthier as she turned her head toward him, watching him sleep for a moment with her mismatched ears flicking back. It had been several days since their fight and even though the sting had dulled enough for it to be much easier to keep up a smile and to be around him, things hadn't really gotten all that much better for her. He seemed to just move on as if everything could be forgiven and forgotten, but not for her.

She had purposely not initiated anything with him as far as affections went, at least nothing more than the snuggling they did when they were sleeping. She just wanted to see what would happen if she left it up to him to initiate things now. Would he try to kiss her, try to sleep with her? Or did that one time satisfy whatever it was he was wanting to experience? How much was he lying when he told her how much he loved her, how beautiful she was, and all of those other nice words? So far with her experiment she hadn't received much more than a kiss on the cheek or the occasional nuzzle from him and each time they laid down at night and she felt him fall asleep beside her it made her stomach twist into knots.

Even though the fall out that had happened after he took her had tainted everything, she couldn't stop thinking about the feeling of being needed and wanted in the moments that led up to that moment. Very little had felt as good as that feeling had and it made her heart ache with a need to feel that again. It was becoming exceedingly obvious that if she didn't do anything then Balthier might never give that to her again, but the deep seated love in her heart for him wouldn't let her look elsewhere for it, at least not yet. Her dedication to him still hadn't wavered no matter how difficult it had become.

She frowned for a moment before she finally shifted from where she was pressed into the curve of his side, wiggling her way under his foreleg so that she could press into his chest, her pale paws slipping around his neck while she nuzzled into his cheek, gently pulling him from sleep with kisses across his ear. "Balthier..." she said softly with a little whine, her ears back against her head as she gave into her desires and gave up her experiment to do it. As she pressed herself to him she felt a bit like she was having to give up on her own resolutions and tempt fate to get what she wanted, but she wanted him and she didn't know what else to do.
