
they're coming to take me away hahaaaa



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-13-2021, 05:16 PM
Long years of hell had been Hati's lot since he had died, alone and in torment. The souls of those he had sent to the afterlife before him, and the souls as damned as his own were his constant companionship - any hope he might have had of seeing Daegmar or her children were dashed when he first set paw upon that hellish landscape.

Yet now in a swirl of mist he found himself having returned somehow to the world he had left his destroyed body upon years before - albeit he had a much more tenuous hold than once he had. His body was a mere foggy darkness, his eyes golden embers in the mist. His paws did not feel the land beneath him; his fur was unruffled by the breeze.

A mad gale of laughter reached him and despite himself Hati found himself drawn to the laugher. He had had no contact with life in so long that he could not resist the driving need to see someone breath, and talk, and watch their heart beating in their chest. Even when he stood over the source of the laughter and stared down at an adolescent, he could not make himself leave. A hoarse, rusty snarl bubbled up from Hati's... nothingness, in the vacinity of what might have been his chest once upon a time, but he could not yet form it into words. It had been so long...
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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