
The Once and Present Kings


08-13-2013, 06:18 PM

like no king was before

He could hardly hold back his enthusiasm during the momentary lapse in conversation while he awaited a response from Gargoyle. He hoped that the man would be happy for him, and would not think it unwise to father a litter at just over two years of age. Maverick had been groomed early on to be an adult, to act, think, and behave as one. He had been more mature at a year than many wolves nearing their third year. He knew fatherhood would present it's own challenges, but he was confident he could face each of them and conquer them as they came. After all, that's what a father was supposed to do. The mountain began to chuckle - at least Maverick hoped it was a chuckle - for it was very bassy and gravelly compared to others he was familiar with hearing. Congratulations was given, and the russet man dipped his head eagerly, a twinkle in his lime eyes. A "Thank you," trailed from his lips politely.

The mountain went on to describe the joys of having a family - something Maverick had realized soon after marrying Epiphron. It was nice to have someone to lean on when your heart grew weary. It was lovely to have someone who was always on your side. Love was a powerful thing, and the man had only begun to dabble at the surface of it - fatherhood would deepen his knowledge of the thing. Gargoyle went on to tell him that fatherhood had a way of changing a man. It was already beginning to change Maverick, and his children were still in their mother's womb. He had found himself feeling superbly protective of both his wife - who in all reality could fend for herself - and his unborn children, so much so that he'd probably been a bother to Epiphron lately. "I can feel the protectiveness already, just the other day I could have mauled a squirrel for looking at my wife the wrong way." He chuckled openly, hinting that while there was some truth to the statement, it was mostly meant for light-hearted humor.

"Of course, he agreed without hesitation when Gargoyle spoke of having the two families meet. Glaciem - or rather, the Snow Rogues - were welcome in Seracia anytime, and he hoped they would take him up on the open invitation more than once. "Ah, congratulations to you and Ocena as well! Perhaps when our children have had time to grow up and become more adventurous we can get them all together for a day of exploring? The thought of taking his children out alongside the mountain's was appealing, and it would give the pups a good chance to socialize and learn how to deal with allies. It was never too early for a lesson in diplomacy. The absence of formality in the older man's speech was hardly noted by the King, as he was finding that he truly revered the mountain not only for his size - but for his character.

{Table coded by Lu}