
i wasn't a fan of mushrooms, but they've grown on me


The Hallows
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6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
11-13-2021, 09:09 PM

Syanna frowned a little when the young woman said they were looking for Gwyn to have answers. Nobody had answers for the strangeness of the world or the sudden onset symptoms of these rare diseases. Something to comfort the brute, she did have, however. Managing symptoms was all she had been doing, and though it did make Syanna feel useless as a healer to some degree, it was all she could do to keep herself busy. She inspected the clusters of mushrooms on the brute's face. They were larger than hers, and she wondered if they had to do with how rapidly the symptoms had come on for him, or if it was the biological variances between them. Were brutes more prone to the mycelium growths? Were larger wolves predisposed over smaller wolves? These were all hypotheses, of course; Syanna had no solid evidence or research to support her theories.

"I'm afraid neither Gwynevere nor I have any answers," she admitted with a dejected sigh. "But methods for comfort and easing pain, I do have." Syanna blinked in surprise when Bowen came closer to dab away some of the glowing ooze from around her face, an embarrassed flush crossing her cheeks in the candlelight while ears flipped back. She'd become so used to the mushrooms just leaking at all hours of the day that she'd begun to ignore the sensations of goop on her fur. "Um, thank you." Syanna reached forward once Bowen had pulled back and took the now glowing cloth from the fae, making sure it didn't make contact with the girl's skin. They still didn't know how contagious these illnesses were. "I'll dispose of that for you. Don't want to chance cross-contamination." A little smile to the girl, then Syanna was on her paws and moving.

Syanna strode over to a large medicine cabinet on the far wall and flung open the old doors, retrieving some meadowsweet. "Wait here, please," she told the wolves, then strode out of the infirmary and across the hall to the pharmacy, where she found some of her more recreational herbs. She returned with a few cannabis leaves, collecting them with the meadowsweet in a small parchment parcel and handing them to Bowen. "The white flowers are meadowsweet. They're for relieving any general pain. Chew them into a paste, then swallow," she explained to both wolves, but looking at Haiku as she spoke. "The green leaves are cannabis. That's for comfort. Chew one leaf at a time, then hold the paste beneath your tongue until you begin to feel it kick in." Turning to Bowen, she then passed the littler fae a small bottle containing a dark purple liquid. "Elderberry extract will help keep your immune system strong, since I imagine you'll be spending a lot of time around him." It wasn't much, but it was at least something she could offer them.

A more serious expression crossed the vixen-wolf's face then, and she looked to Bowen and Haiku with a grim look. "Before you go, could I... ask a favor of one of you?" Syanna hesitated for a moment before stepping over to her tools on the table, picking up a wickedly sharp scalpel from the wooden surface. She held it up over the candle between delicate digits, letting the flame begin to heat the blade. "Would one of you mind cutting one of the mushrooms off of me? I've been wanting to experiment on them, but I can't quite get them off. Just try to make it clean and quick, please." Syanna handed the scalpel over to the caramel girl, then lifted a leather strap and bit down hard on it before resting her head on the table, giving Bowen all the setup she needed. She fully anticipated this would hurt, but what was a little pain compared to possibly finding a cure for her friends and loved ones?

"Syanna Alluráin"

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