
sitting in silence



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
11-13-2021, 10:12 PM

Syanna had been stretching herself thin working harder than ever before in her life to tend to all of the Hallowed wolves that had fallen ill with the bizarre diseases. She had her own mushroom infection, as did a couple of the other wolves in the castle, some with abnormal crystal growths sprouting from their bodies, and some leaking a concerning amount of glowing fluids while slipping into madness. Their own alpha had fallen victim to the latter, locking himself up in the dungeons until the symptoms began to lessen. Syanna felt virtually useless against the degradation of the pack's overall health. None of her research or experiments had yielded any results and she was no closer to finding a cure to all of this madness. She just wanted it to be over and everything to go back to normal. She was so tired of the sickness, tired of the pain, tired of the endless night. Tired of it all.

The orange and cream-furred fae wandered down the halls that were silent as a tomb, her claws clicking off the stone corridors that had once felt so warm and full of life. Now they only housed shadows and darkness. The sound of scurrying feet on the stone floors up ahead caught her attention, especially since they didn't sound like wolf paws. Raising a curious brow, Syanna advanced cautiously through the shadowy corridor, keeping her eyes peeled for whatever was making that noise. Were there threats lurking in the darkness of the castle now? Were they all in danger?

The answer turned out to be more innocuous than she suspected. From down the corridor came a small badger with striking ruby claws caught her attention. Immediately Syanna's guard lowered; he was no threat, just a lost little critter. "Oh, you startled me," Syanna said with a sigh, unsure if the creature had the capability of lupine speech or maybe she was just talking to herself in the dark. Maybe she was losing her mind too...

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.