
I always find my way back



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
11-13-2021, 09:15 PM
Walking the halls of the castle on her own was sometimes a strange thing. Every once in a while she would see something or notice something that would remind her of the past and of Resin. Sometimes it was when she was laying in front of the fire in the room she now shared with Kane, sometimes it was when she happened to walk past the door that led down to the dungeons, sometimes it was when she was out on a patrol and she would remember what it was like to be walking this path with Resin. She hadn't been back to the hot springs or falls where their children were born in a very long time, but she could only imagine how deep the nostalgia would be if she ever went back. It wasn't because she wasn't happy with what her life had become, but there was plenty to reminisce on and plenty to miss about how things had once been.

She was sitting on the balcony of their room, looking out over The Hallow's territory. It was perpetually dark these days, but it was what they had decided was day time and Kane was out hunting. Sometimes she would go with him and was enjoying the chance to rebuild the navigation and tracking skills she had once had honed so well, but today she hung back. There was just something that had her particularly nostalgic—though not entirely in good ways. Being in this room still reminded her sometimes of the incident that had given her the scars that crossed her face or the nights of laying here alone while Resin wandered the castle with the insomnia that was the precursor to what came after. She closed her eyes as a breeze blew through her dark fur, doing her best to chase away the darker thoughts with better ones.

Tamsyn Carpathius