
Loose Leaf

Rune I


5 Years
08-13-2013, 07:22 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Rune could see a little touch of curiosity enter the pup's mismatched eyes as he mentioned her adopted mother, but no question accompanied it. All the better as far as he was concerned. It was only after he had made the implication that he realized the tale behind the meeting might not have been one suitable for such young ears, and even more particularly if she held any sort of high esteem for the she-wolf in question. It could have been, too, that she didn't even know of the story, that Luce had never intended for her to know. The last thing he wanted to do was breach the rules set down by a mother wolf. He knew from experience how stern they could be about their rules.

Thankfully she did not remain hung up on the topic and instead changed it a little, asking him about his intentions being in this part of the forested mountainside. And honestly he had none. It had been just by chance that he had walked past this area and remembered the waterfall, coming towards it to grab a drink and then presumably to continue on about his business. But curiosity had a funny way of changing things, and so when he answered it was mostly with a shrug. "Nothing, really. I was only passing through."

Though that didn't necessarily mean that he had anywhere else important to be in that moment and had to be back on his way again. In all honesty, his independent siblings were likely off doing their own thing, and with his parents being as distant as they tended to be, he didn't even have anyone to truly worry about him if he disappeared off the map for a few hours or possibly even a day or so. "Does allow you to go places on your own?" he asked, fumbling a second over the proper term for Luce in her relationship to Seraphine and hoping that his word choice might have been acceptable. A part of him also hoped that the white female would be a lenient mother just as his was; having company on the remainder of his walk, even if he needed to keep it close to this rocky mountainside location, would have been enjoyable, and it wasn't everyday his company was younger than him and not at all overbearing the way his siblings could be on a regular basis.