


08-13-2013, 08:58 PM
OOC Name: Peregrine
How did you get here?: umm Affiliate button...somewhere, not sure where anymore
Age: 18

Character's Name: Dempsey
Age: 4
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: 35"
Appearance description: Dempsey is a very masculine looking wolf. He has strong lines to his face and body that could make any female swoon. Unfortunately, he has never really explored that facet of his looks, choosing to have a dark and brooding look to him instead. His face is almost always drawn up in contempt, as if he just ate sometime quite spoiled. Dempsey's coat itself is a deep grey color to the unobservant passerby, but the more scrupulous onlookers will see that he is in fact variant shades of grey, white, and black all thrown together in one giant mixing pot! This extends throughout his entire body except for the edges of him, which darken to a charcoal black. The tips of his ears are black, the tip of his tail is black, his paws are black, and even most of his muzzle is black. A pitch black line also runs down his back, ending at his rump before his tail. His eyes are the most alarming shade of platinum, with just enough gleam to shock. Dempsey is a well muscled wolf and would be considered more on the bulky side, but none would call him fat. He is excessively athletic, but chooses not to express that quality unless absolutely necessary. He is quite lazy and avoids work if possible. This is probably caused from his atrocious pup hood.
Duty: Assassin