
sitting in silence




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-13-2021, 11:25 PM

At the sound and sight of a wolf, the badger promptly trotted forward, adjusting his monocle to see her better. As soon as she mentioned that she was startled, Mel froze, stammering out, “I-I startled you, my lady? Oh goodness, p-please forgive me! Oh, that was not my intention, my lady, I assure you,“ He promptly bowed to her as if she was a king, er, queen, before rising and explaining the situation.

“I-I do not wish to disturb you, but my wolf friend, the lady, Laeta-” He motioned his head towards the open doorway to her bedroom, “Well, the poor dear, she has taken a turn for the worst. That slime plague is afflicting her, a-and she has a fever..but that is not the worst of it, I fear…she needs a physician’s attendance as soon as possible.” He’d approached the physician closer and attempt to guide her into the bedroom with a polite but frantic - clearly worried for the woman - clawed paw to witness Lae herself.

Lae heard the voices outside, but as she was paralyzed, she could barely move anthing except her neck and head. At least her vocal cords weren’t affected, as she could still speak. She laid on her side, pillows propped everywhere thanks to Mel’s efforts to keep her comfortable. They did a decent amount in ensuring she wouldn’t have pressure sores or something like it, but her joints - accustomed to movement and yet also worn from it too - were aching fiercly. If a pillow shifted, she’d feel a fiery hot flash of pain, mostly in her hips. It seemed that, although unable to move. She felt everything. Everything.

If Syanna did follow the badger into the room, she’d likely notice the urgent case right away. The monochromatic woman’s legs were unnaturally still, not even a twitch. Same with her torso and tail. Only the region above the middle of her neck was able to move, but on her side, that was difficult to achieve. Her fever make it an even more arduous effort. She mustered a soft whine as her hips throbbed, prompting the badger to rush over and attempt to adjust her position.

“Th-There, there, my lady, do not fret,” He murmurer, worriedly padding about her king-sized bed.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.