
I know who I want to take me home


08-13-2013, 09:28 PM

Developing figure collided with that of her sibling?s, successful in pressing his rump into the earth with the force of her mass as well seizing the excess fur upon his backside, the grip attained to his flesh purposely loose. The pallid babe registered the squeak she had extracted from the male, an arrogant smirk chiseling her visage while she attempted to playfully tug at the flesh encased between her locked jaws, satisfied that her mission to surprise the hellion had proven to be a success on her part. The devious expression that plagued her porcelain countenance, however, vanished abruptly as dull pain shot through her perked ears, causing the tyke?s jaws to slacken and relinquish her grasp upon his fur in order to release a startled yelp. Removing herself hastily from his lower half to signify the conclusion of their play and to indicate that it was time the male freed her tender ear of his teeth, the babe attempted to widen the distance between she and the brutish child once again, chuckles cascading from her leathery lips despite the fact that she had technically lost.

Attention wavered from that of her sibling to the only adult that had strode into the scene without greeting, mismatched metallic and amethyst gaze settling upon the familiar form of her father, causing her tail to sway gently at her heels. He was distracted and conversing with one the babe had failed to recognize yet, forcing curiosity upon the viper and causing her neck to crane as she attempted to pinpoint the source of her father?s interest. Pupils landed upon the malnourished form of a foreign whelp who appeared close to her own age, a disdainful scowl claiming her features as she inhaled the tyke?s scent lingering in the stagnant air only to find that it lacked the domineering aroma of her mother that seemed to lace every Tortugan?s scent; what was this outsider doing, roaming in their kingdom? Gaze flicked back and forth between her father and the shadowed whelp, wondering if her father would take back the child as a prisoner for her mother since she had obviously disregarded the fact that she was treading on claimed turf. However, her father seemed none too intent upon enslaving the sable brat, but instead, concerned for her. Skull tilted minutely and she allowed her serpentine limbs to propel her closer to the stranger, drawing to the right side of her father to better observe the stranger. ?Are you gonna eat her, dad?? the child questioned, her vocals soft and tentative while her skull tilted back to view her taller father?s countenance.