
sitting in silence




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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-14-2021, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2021, 09:03 AM by Laeta. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mel worridely ushered Syanna into the room, but relieved that he was here to assess his friend. He couldn’t do much at this point besides offer comforr and basic care, and he sat by her head as the physician hopper onto the bed and began her examination.

The bioluminescent fluid leaked mercilessly from her eyes, nose, and ears, for certain — on occasion, the woman could only swallow when it collected inside her mas, a slight dribble of the ooze running down her obsidian lips. The fever prickled beneath her tousled fur, which had been cleaned up the best it could by the badger himself, but not quite at its full beauty. Lae wasn’t a special or unique wolf, but her coat had a certain grace to it, as was her lithe form. Alas, this ooze, as well as her other ailment, had dampened her appearance.

Laeta’s eyes glanced up weakly as Syanna introduced herself, and she tried her best to offer a greeting of her own in return.

"Hello, Syanna," She murmured, her gaze having fallen back into a glazed, downcast look. Clearly something else was the matter, and as the healer pulled out her supplies and offered a few cloths in her front paws, the room seem to fall into a air of..sadness? Despair? The badger looked at the cloths Syanna had offered to Lae to clean herself off - it should have been a simple action to perform, but the ruby-eyed woman appeared to struggle to even move her paws. The hurt, and frustration in her eyes said more than words. Something else was very wrong.

Mel the badger stammered as he adjusted his monocle, looking a tad grim, “Oh dear..w-well there’s something else, too..” His tone was quieter, and in that instant Lae spoke in response to Syanna’s inquiry about other symptoms.

"I can’t move my legs at all," She said, her voice dull and flat, as if whatever ailed her was crushing her spirit as well as her body. If there were tears pricking her eyes, nobody could tell, because all that came out was more ooze. "Mel does his best, but my joints hurt so bad. I can’t move my legs but I feel everything. It’s so painful." She wanted this to stop. The pain. The helplessness. It felt demeaning, and thought the woman never really thought much of herself, she still craved some dignity in her situation. Thus, that was hard to come by - she needed lots of care, and she felt terrible for it.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.