
I don't like this any more, Dad




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-14-2021, 01:02 PM

Avacyn kept waiting for the weird guy to say something and began to wonder if he'd give her any kind of response or not, but right before she was about to question him again he did, telling her about how ill-content and malice bred misery and pain and how he was just a liaison or maybe a judge. She didn't really know exactly what all that was supposed to mean, but she was at least able to figure out the connection he made between not being content and being mean lead to being sad and in pain and that he didn't directly cause what was happening which made her a little less mad at him. She didn't think she had been ill-content or that she had malice against anyone... She was happy with her life with her parents and family. Maybe she tried to get revenge against her brother a couple of times... but he always started it! Either way, she gave a little shrug when he said that he didn't think he had been nice very many times. "Oh well... I don't think my momma or daddy are very nice most of the time either... Except to me and my brother and our family! They're very nice to us!" He asked if they should dig deeper and even though she kind of liked talking to the firefly man and hearing his fancy words she kind of just wanted to get back to her dad so she gave a little shake of her head. "I'm content, I guess."

Once he explained that the coupon she bought from him before would allow her to buy something else with the crystals she had left she hummed and eyed the other two vials he had again. They hadn't really seemed all that appealing the first time, especially when what she really wanted was for these mushrooms growing from her to go away, but it felt silly not to buy something and waste the coupon she had. After a moment of consideration she picked up another crystal and put it on the table, taking the bottle of "steroids" in its place. Maybe she'd get lucky and one of these things would help her with the mushroom problem after all, but even if they didn't she tried to give the firefly guy the benefit of the doubt that these would be good things. "Thanks for the things," she said, holding the bottle of steroids and the silvery potion between her white dipped paws. "Can I go back to my dad now?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"