
Halloween - It Ends...



11-14-2021, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2021, 09:55 PM by NPC. Edited 2 times in total.)
<div class=thead>Halloween Event - Phase 4</div>
<div class=tcat><center>November 14 - November 28 (11:59pm PST)</center></div>

<center><img src="/images/events/halloween2021/Phase4.png" width=450px></center>
<div style="padding-left: 50px; padding-right: 50px;">It ends..

The lands are plunged into an eternal night with no sign of the sun. This does not, however, leave the lands dark, for the moon and auroras along with the star-streaked sky provide plenty of light from above while the crystals, flora, and fauna reflect in the mists below. Creatures and spirits of the past now come and go tangibly, although not always predictably. The fog is thick enough to mix even the strongest scents and blur the sharpest eyes, though it does catch the light and make it seem as if even the air itself is glowing. The blue 'fireflies' are ever present, as if they had always been there. It’s hard to tell what is real and what is a dream at any given point.

Rumor has it that the Firefly Guy is continuing to appear, in greater frequency too... It's also been said that some have seen him setting up a <i>more permanent pop up shop</i>. Maybe it'll be worth visiting once everyone is well again...

<span class="warning">The following wolves are <b>deeply</b> infected with the Ooze, variation 1:
Avacyn, Bog, Alarr, Proserpina, Serenity, Hikaru, Ophelia, Pestilence, Zeitgeist, Octave, Haiku, Syanna, Hyacinth, Sparrow, Sakura, Kitsune, Belladonna</span>

Symptoms include the following:
<ul><li>Fungi continues to grow, often out of the eyes, ears, and open wounds. These fungi can be as large as 50% of the infected's body.</li>
<li>Some characters might feel the overwhelming urge to remove these fungi, but removal is excruciating as the fungi seemed to be tethered tightly to bone.</li>
<li>Other characters may feel the need to seek decay and consume it to fuel the mushrooms.</li>
<li>Removal is no longer successful at the base.</li>
<li>Spores fill the lungs, leading to coughing fits, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and fainting.</li>
<li>Flu and Pneumonia-like symptoms are common. Characters may feel weak and weighed down by the mushrooms.</li>
<li>Wherever the fungi grow, large amounts of brightly-colored fluid may ooze out (often purple, blue, or green).</li></ul>
(Affected characters may use the avatar borders below to denote their sickness if they desire.)

<center><img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarMushroom1.png"> <img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarMushroom2.png"> <img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarMushroom3.png"></center>

<span class="warning">The following wolves are <b>deeply</b> infected with the Ooze, variation 2:
Onyx, Jynn, Avantika, Recluse, Audra, Kaija, Ikigai, Romulus, Poe, Raure, Ifrit, Hanako, Tyrfing, Dagrún, Ashmedai, Alfrun, Duchess, Faith, Grimshaw, Ásvor</span>

Symptoms include the following:
<ul><li>Crystals continue to grow, often out of the eyes, ears, and open wounds. These crystals are extremely heavy and can be as large as 30% of the infected's body.</li>
<li>Some characters might feel the overwhelming urge to remove these crystals, but removal is excruciating as the crystals are fused to bone.</li>
<li>Removal is no longer successful.</li>
<li>Wherever the crystals grow, large amounts of brightly-colored fluid may ooze out (often purple, blue, or green).</li>
<li>Characters may have the urge to seek out waters and caves, both posing heavy threats with the added weight.</li>
<li>Fatigue and anemia-like symptoms are common. This includes weakness, feeling cold, sudden fatigue, paled skin, splitting headaches, etc.</li></ul>
(Affected characters may use the avatar borders below to denote their sickness if they desire.)

<center><img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarCrystal1.png"> <img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarCrystal2.png"> <img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarCrystal3.png"></center>

<span class="warning">The following wolves are <b>deeply</b> infected with the Ooze, variation 3:
Gilgamesh, Takeshi, Relm, Cerberus, Albion, Alastor, Azure, Fern, Viper, Laeta, Artorias, Askell, Eska, Balthier, Hattori, Fortune, Rudyard, Scylla, Veigar, Theory, Gossamer, Jigsaw, Artisan, Wendigo, Riva, Asmodeus, Rasha, Gloom, Aryn, Ignis, Eligos, Dimosthenes, Tel'Teukiira, Noelle, Doom, Nami</span>

Symptoms include the following:
<ul><li>Excessive oozing of bright-colored fluid from orifices (especially the mouth, nose, and ears).</li>
<li>Blisters and abscesses filled with glowing fluid may form on the skin. Some may burst on their own while others may continue to swell until drained (up tp 20% of the infected's size).
<li>Extremely erratic/unusual thoughts.</li>
<li>Growing paranoia and notable fear of the dark. Losing time/time dilation, gaps in memory, amnesia, and forgetfulness are common.</li></ul>
(Affected characters may use the avatar borders below to denote their sickness if they desire.)

<center><img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarGhost1.png"> <img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarGhost2.png"> <img src="/images/events/halloween2021/AvatarGhost3.png"></center>

<span class="warning">The following wolves are <b>freshly</b> infected with the Ooze:
Ooze variation 1: Paradise, Greed, Ulfr
Ooze variation 2: Venom, Kiela, Amorielle
Ooze variation 3: Kotori, Bowen, Emile, Hyperion</span>

Symptoms include the <a href="">Phase 3 symptoms</a> of their corresponding variation.

<span class="warning">All other previously infected wolves will experience <a href="">Phase 3 symptoms</a> of their corresponding variation.</span>

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1. Halloween - It Ends... Updates/Events Archive 08:14 PM, 11-14-2021 11:27 AM, 07-02-2024