
sitting in silence




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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-14-2021, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2021, 08:31 PM by Laeta. Edited 1 time in total.)

As the woman began her examination visually, Laeta could do little except offer back the slightest glimmer in her eyes in response to the physician's kindness. The last thing she wished to be to anyone, particularly at this time, was a burden. The ooze was already weakening the wolves, quite rapidly as well. Lae's paralysis only further complicated things, and the shame and embarrassment she continuously felt rolled in her gut uncomfortably. The joints in her hips throbbed, along with her spine and knees. They felt burning, fiery hot, as well as the fever that raged beneath her obsidian pelt. Still, this woman had the aura of a calm, collected, and experienced individual, and as such, both Laeta and Mel took comfort in knowing Syanna would do everything in her power to try and help in this horrific situation.

"Mel, was it?" The woman inquired. "Y-Yes? Oh dear, is it worse than you believed?" If she had shown any alarm in her expression upon seeing Laeta's inability to hold and use the cloths, the badger would react promptly, nervously taking the cloths in his clawed paws as she had offered them to him. "Could you help me clean Laeta up?" She added, to which the badger nodded, adjusting his monocle. "Of course, lady Bowen," He said, proceeding to wipe away the accumulating fluid from the woman's sunken features. She laid there, resigned. Mostly, she looked empty and hallowed due to defeat, but perhaps it was also her lack of appetite, too. Being paralyzed, unable to move or care for oneself brought her down to dark places. As such, she didn't really feel much hunger or thirst. Only guilt, anger, shame, and the pain that flickered in her bones. Syanna had lit the room with a candle, as well as making use of the fireplace, allowing a new flame to shine brightly. The vibrant orange was a welcome change to the now sickening shades of glowing blue outside, and it also kept the darkness at bay. The darkness frightened the woman deeply, but she as never able to react to it fully in her state. Mostly, she laid there as oozy tears flowed down her cheeks.

As Syanna popped open a green vial, she mentioned its contents - "Boneset and juniper, for the fever and the muscle pains" - and brought it to Laeta's lips. The paralyzed woman took the medicine quietly, letting the welcome taste of the herbal mixture down her throat. Though not instantaneous, she'd soon find her fever wasn't as intense, and the aching would be brought down to a less excruciating level. She then handed the sprig of elderberries to Mel, who took them politely. She instructed him on how much to give her, which he repeated under his breath so as to score them in his mind. "Five berries a meal..yes, yes I see..ah, a-and a bowl? Yes, I do have one somewhere, actually-" He placed the elderberries on a small nightstand next to Lae's bed, hopping off it briefly, only to come back with a decently-sized bowl. He'd place it near the charcoal-pelted woman's head, then stepped back to allow Syanna to perform her duties.

The physician's face appeared a bit puzzled, along with concern. Mel murmured to himself in a worried manner (Oh dear, oh dear..), fiddling with his forepaws as he crouched on the bed and watched. "I'm going to need to do a full physical to try and find out what's happening with your legs. Would it be okay for me to touch you, Lae?" The orange and white woman inquired, to which Laeta could only glance up at her and offer a soft, but clear nod. She was tired, but appreciated that she asked her before proceeding. Touch was still finicky for her due to her lack of proper interactions in her loner life, but in her state, she needed answers. So did Mel. She'd allow Syanna to do all that was necessary.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.