
Bedazzled No More

Lilulus ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-15-2021, 03:27 AM

For a short while, Romulus had been touch and go with his unusual illness. His condition seemed to worsen some shortly after his encounter with the firefly entity, but gradually over time the strange crystal growths on his body began to lose their luster until one by one they fell from him like dirt falling from his coat. In their place were a few pink healing scars, but otherwise he was unharmed, slowly returning to his former self and none the worse for wear. Whatever it was that had infected him, he had proven stronger and overcome it. It rejuvenated Roman, gave him a breath of life back into his lungs, and he had wasted no time in going to celebrate his recovery with Lillith.

Rushing through the castle corridors once the last of the crystals had fallen from him and he was no longer forced into quarantine, Roman hurried to Lillith's bedroom door. It was still late in the night—although granted the days were pretty much nights now at this point—so he didn't bother to knock, instead quietly letting himself in and latching the door behind him. The young brute couldn't keep his giddy grin off his face while he moved swiftly and silently over to the bed, knowing Lillith would likely either still be awake with worry or sound asleep by now. Oh, he couldn't wait to see the glee in her face!

"Lil! Lillith!" he called in an excited whisper to her once he reached the bed. "Lil, wake up! Look! Look at me!" The young wolf bounced excitedly from paw to paw while he waited for his girlfriend to see him alive and well, crystal free and fully recovered. Finally he'd be able to be around her again, hug her and snuggle her, kiss her, everything he wanted to do with her now that he wasn't dying!
