
The world, as it is, is yours



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 09:48 AM
Macabre stirred within the nest of his siblings as he was awoken by his mother, peering up at her with grey eyes that softened ever so sweetly. His eyes held a vast array of emotions, even if he did express them so clearly. They sharpened with intensity, but they also softened with the childlike curuosity of the wold ahead of him, and the life he had yet to live. He grinned at his mother, that widely curled grin that faintly resembled that of his father. To others, it seemed a tad disturbing the way it stretched his lips into an almost unnaturally contorted curl, but it was the endearing, loving face of a baby that only a mother could love. He knew Recluse adored him all the same, and nothing could change that.

He began to race out of the den, ready to see the wide world ahead of him and his littermates, when his mother began to give them their names. He was a Klein, he knew that -- what was a Klein, though? Maybe it meant something cool or scary. That was awesome -- he liked anything cool or scary. His siblings each received their names in birth order, and as he was the middle child, he was third to receive his name. As soon as his name left her lips, he instantly did his best to place it in the forefront of his mind, grinning widely as he repeated it. Macabre, Macabre, Macabre, He thought to himself, making it a mantra he wouldn't be likely to forget. Wasn't this how most children learned their names? Obviously, they weren't just born with them. Mom chose them, and perhaps for good reasons. She mentioned Macabre meant "dark" and "terrifying", and he just knew he'd make it a goal to live up to his name. He wanted it to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. He'd crush them all. The visceral urge within him stirred like a slowly awakening beast, some deeply-rooted instinct deep within to inflict pain and fear upon others who defied his family.

As soon as Recluse gave the all-clear for her little gremlins to explore, the spotted child wasted no time. Though not as big as most of his siblings, except for Ichor, he made up for it with a surprising amount of speed and strength for his age. He practically launched himself from the den's entrance, sprinting past his siblings with a cackle in glee. This was so fun! What a marvelous world lay before him! He hadn't known a world that wasn't shrouded in darkness and coated with the pulsing, blue mushrooms, crystals, and ever present fireflies, but he didn't care. It was all he ever knew, and he assumed it to be the norm. He skidded to a stop a good distance away from his family, then bounded over, lowering himself into a play bow with his tail wagging.

"Vis! Ghoul!" He yipped, trying to engage them. Ghoul was always near their mother, and he never really comprehended why. It seemed to dull to just be by her side. Nonetheless, he wiggled his haunches impatiently. "C'mon! Race me!" He made the invitation to all his siblings, but the cocky expression that lit up his face suggested he was going to win. He wanted to be the best he could be!

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill