
get 'em



Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

3 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDerby WinnerBy the skin of my teethPride - AsexualHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
The Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 10:55 AM
word count: 326
total word count: 921 

Levi was determined to bring the creature down on his own, was confident and fuelled by puppy naivety, as though nothing bad could or would ever happen to him. Youthful arrogance and bluster spurred him on, as if the blood that ran through his veins was enough to coast him through life. But apparently the strange smell wafted further than he thought, as from the corner of his eye he noticed his big(ger) sister Morgawr barrel onto the scene, teeth bared and just as eager to prove a point. Sure, he was a bit annoyed she wouldn't let him handle this alone but...he supposed he'd let her stay, no reason not too. Besides, this was Fatalis land, trespassers would be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. Strength in numbers against the villainous few.

He missed his first initial slash, his paw instead boxing against the fox's muzzle like a makeshift punch. That would have been fine in and of itself if the fox had simply taken the hit and didn't retaliate...but well of course it did. It was mad and angry, its teeth were sharp enough to do some damage, even Levi could see that. Dipping away, his efforts to dodge simply weren't enough as the fox promptly grabbed a hold of his scruff and tried to clamp down-only to flinch away with a pained yelp. Blood dripped from its tongue, stray spines still embedded into the soft flesh. The fox had learned the hard way that Levi wasn't nearly as fragile as he looked, that he was pointy on all ends.

Seeing his sister make a grab for the fox's neck, Levi figured he ought to join in and see if they could drag the creature down. Bring it down to their level and let fighting instinct do the rest. And if nothing else, this was fun! Better than the subdued puppy fights he'd had with his siblings, more rough and tumble than anything else.
[Image: dZNVqTH.png]