
mushrooms can glow??




Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 12:11 PM
Ghoul seemed unimpressed at Mac’s magnificent feat - an expected response. He knew his larger brother wasn’t easily entertained, but he did his best, anyways. The faint and brief applause made him grin widely in amusement, and upon flicking the mushroom and saying it was stupid, he was met with the rose-toned pup’s flat expression. Do we even know what a mushroom is His brother inquired. The spotted boy watched the neon spores float up into the obsidian expanse of sky for a moment, as if trying to determine what it was based on his observations so far. He felt comfident enough that he had some basic knowledge - after all, you could figure out most things if you just actually did stuff to them, right?

"Well, now we know mushrooms are weird things that sprout around trees, glow in different colors, and apparently, they have some kind of, uh, dust? That floats away, or something like that," Mac said, tilting his head at the thing. Unless it grew ;egs and breathed fire, he really didn’t think much of it. The reckless child needed an exuberant amount of chaos to make him feel any kind of interest. Thus, he still believed this mushroom was kinda lame.

It was then that his brother suggested he eat the mushroom. Now, that was a whole new level. Flicking it didn’t do all that much, but at least they knew more about it than before. Now, consuming it meant it could have an effect on him. He paused to consider Ghoul’s inquiry, turning to him with his wide grin. "You have a point there," He said. He noticed the larger sibling’s own devious smirk, and a fire of a challenge lit up in his eyes. Now this could be fun! He didn’t pause to think what could happen if he ate it, only that he wanted to give the ‘stupid mushrooms’ another chance. Heck, maybe he’d gain some powers from it. Ooh, maybe he’d glow in the dark!

With a wicked and playful grin, he nodded at his brother’s promise not to tell his mom. "You know I’m no tattletale, brother," He said, a soft giggle bubbling from his lips as he used his long nails to carve a chink from the mushroom they’d been inspecting. It hit the ground with a soggy thump, and he eyed in closely. He glanced at his sibling’s red eyes with his own mischievous grey ones. "Y’know, maybe the mushrooms affect each wolf differently," He said. He grabbed his own piece of mushroom, but carved out a smaller, almost negligable chunk for his brother. He’d eat the larger chunk, because he was nice and he’d take the fall if something bad happened to him. He pushed the piece towards Ghoul with a quirk of his brow, as if inviting him to eat it too if he wasn’t scared.

With that, Mac grabbed the chunk and tossed it into his mouth, wondering what it would do. It certainly wasn’t the worst thing he’d tasted, but not the best. His expression wrinkled a bit, but he swallowed it back, and feeling nothing at the moment, he flashed his brother a wide grin. "See? I’m still in one piece. Kinda expected there to be something more, though." Little did he know, there likely would be something more, indeed..

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill