
The world, as it is, is yours


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 05:08 PM
To grow big and strong, the largest pup of the litter certainly didn't miss out on any opportunity to sleep. It was exhausting growing bones and building muscle at a faster rate than her siblings, but she could only wish that it were happening slower, instead. Why did she have to be so big? The only girl in a sea of boys and she had to tower over them all? A frown creased her little face as she crumpled back into the nest warmth surrounding her. She often ended up on the bottom, being the heaviest. She didn't mind though, she could pretend the mass of four puppies on and around her was really just one or two really large puppies, making her the smallest. It helped her sleep at night, really.

Today was an exciting day it would seem, even if she didn't want to wake up and face another day of growing pains and teasing. Being at the bottom of the bunch, it was less of her mothers gentle words and more of her stirring brothers that woke her, and she did so with an annoyed groan as she rubbed her face with her little dark paws. The excitement from her littermates though had her awake quickly as they took their warm with them and left her in the cold, empty space they'd been nestled in moments ago. Almost begrudgingly, the little girl toddled over and sat amongst her siblings, peering up at their mother with large silver eyes framed by forming gold eye liner.

First came what they all were ─ Klein. A name that they shared to unite them as a family. Today, they would each be receiving their own personal name, that they would address each other as. She hadn't considered the concept until now, but wagged her tail quickly in the dirt of the den while Recluse continued. Moments later, her mothers single eye focused on her and named her Widow, apparently similarly named to her! That was exciting at least, and she couldn't help her tail beating into the dirt as she repeated her name inside her mind over and over again. Her brothers came next, Ghoul being the quiet pale boy, Macabre being the black and white boy, and Viscera and Ichor being the twins. Her silver gaze flitted over each of her brothers, repeated their names back in her mind, before looking back to Recluse again as she motioned to lead them out of the den. They'd get names and be going outside today?

Widow froze and frowned. Outside. Where everyone else would stare at her, and probably even point and laugh for being so much bigger than four boys. Her once ecstatic tail fell limp to her heels as she hesitantly moved towards the den's opening and out into the foggy world. Scared that literally anyone else would see her, Widow followed her mother closely as she moved to relax near the den. She did her best to hide her body behind Recluse, eyeing her brother that came up to ask questions out of the corner of her eye. "Mom─" She started to whine, pouting. "I wanna go back inside!"


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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022