
Bedazzled No More

Lilulus ♡



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2021, 07:01 PM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
Romulus caught her life she knew he would, recovering still or not she needed his arms around her. There were no words to describe as she breathed him him through little sobs. Overwhelming relief spilling over as tears. His paw caressed her back affectionately as he reminded her that as an Armada he would always keep his word. She took a few deep breaths, stuttering through her sobs. He lay his cheek on hers and she could feel the damp of his own eyes on her fur.

Lillith wouldn’t soon forget how much she worried over his life, trying not to think about what she would have done without him. Even though he hadn’t been in her life for very long it still felt like he belonged here at her side. Like he really was her soul mate. He hadn’t left his family seeking his roots, he’d come to find her, like his spirit wished. She couldn’t begin to say how much his recovery meant to her now.

The girl slowly slid the rest of her body off of the bed to get closer to the boy she loved. She didn’t ever want to let him go again, they were apart for far too long and she spent too much time thinking he would be lost to her. Lillith giggled through her tears as he mentioned how much easier he was to cuddle without the crystals sprouting from his flesh. "Much better.” She agreed as she lifted her head from his neck to nuzzle the side of her silvery muzzle against his.

Again she closed her eyes tight, scared that she might open them and find him afflicted once more. She blinked open her garnet gaze adoringly, finding his liquid silver eyes. He was her other half, her confidence and friend. The one she counted on, and the one that she wanted to kiss. "Better to do this too,” and she kissed him. With all of the missed passion and longing she felt while he kept himself away from her. Lil pressed herself against him and held on like she really wouldn’t let go.
