
Clear Skies and New Hope



08-14-2013, 12:35 AM

Her blue gaze did not miss the surprized look he had. She shifted uneasily, about ready to get up and leave. She was not sure what she would say if he refused. Had she said the wrong thing? Perhaps he thought it odd she would ask him such a thing right after meeting him. But she felt like she had known Cael for a long time. Like they were old friends reuniting again. She liked his presense, calming and trusting. Not to mention he was handsome. But she was far from loving again. How could she after what had happened to her last time?"I would like that a lot, Imena, if you're sure you don't mind having me. Thank you very much." Now it was her turn to stare at him in surprize. Her tail wagged happily behind her as she grinned up at him. She would not have to spend her time only in a big den anymore. Already Cael was making a place in her heart as a trusted friend.

She stood up and stretched with a yawn. She felt pent up energy was going to get the best of her soon. She had spent so much time hunting for herbs and training on her own. After all Cormalin wished for her to be all versed in fighting incase anything should happen to her. All the activity had made her body grow with more energy and she was used to it now. But when she was not training she seemed to have too much energy."How about we go find some bedding and make our home a little more... homey?" She nodded with a smile and joined him by his side. Together they headed out, with Cael taking the direction. They came to a patch of tall grass and she watched Cael paw at it. A grin crossed her face before she summer saulted into the grass, landing on her back. She rolled around abit with a happy sigh. "Perfect..." She replied and stared off across the land. She watched the breeze lightly tease the grass, a ladybug crawling up a blade. She could lay here forever. If only she could bring all these little details into her den. The beating heat of the sun, the taste of green growth, the breeze teasing and whispering.
