
A special kind of thank you

Royal Family



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
11-15-2021, 08:14 PM
Dalila quickly discovered that she wasn't good at receiving gifts. Right after Chimera gave her the bronze, aquamarine studded bangle that now had a permanent place on her left foreleg she immediately wanted to give him something in return. She understand that it was his gift in return for birthing Rusalka, but that didn't matter in her mind. It was the nicest thing someone had ever given to her and it just got her thinking about everything Chimera had done for them. Yes, he was rough around the edges and wasn't perfect by any means, but this island they were living on and this pack they were living in were all thanks to him and she realized that she at least really hadn't properly thanked him for that. For the longest time she had been too caught up in her distrust and anger to really see him for what he was and now that she had she felt like it was high time that she find some way to repay him.

It took her a while to figure out what she could do to thank him. Chimera was a man of simple tastes and the only times she had seen him actually pleased was when she gave him a massage and through the night she had spent with him and Aliana. That night felt like it was ages ago at this point. So much pain and heartache and loss had happened between then and now and that led her thoughts to think about how much all of them needed some time to just unwind and relax together—at least in a way that she knew Chimera would enjoy. She brought the idea to Siren first and after her sweet love agreed was when she went to find Aliana. She hadn't really left her bedroom where she cared for Rusalka since her daughter was born so it was the first time she had seen Aliana since that night, but she was happy to see that he clouded woman was seemingly in better spirits and it seemed like she had gotten a gift of her own in the form of a head dress similar to the one Siren wore.

Once all of the ladies were on board, she made the rest of the arrangements. She convinced Cináed and Ezra to be baby sitters of sorts which really just equated to the two warriors standing guard to make sure Rusalka, Scylla, and Albion all stayed in their room and didn't cause trouble while their mothers were occupied. She waited till she saw Chimera go out to do his usual tasks for the day before she snuck into his room, making sure there was a nice area set up for them among the copious amount of furs and pillows he had and prepared some water and snacks just in case one of them wanted anything. Once all that was ready she gathered Siren and Aliana, settling into the plush piles of furs with the two other women on either side of her, grinning as she kissed Siren tenderly and then nuzzled into Aliana's cheek. Her heart was pattering nervously, but she was also excited and eager to see Chimera's reaction when he saw them. "Maybe one of you should call for him," she said to Siren and Ali. "It'll be less unusual coming from one of you so it'll be more of a surprise."

"Dalila Vista Rocha"