
The world, as it is, is yours



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - Pansexual
11-15-2021, 10:01 PM
The tiny boy, who was absolutely dwarfed by even his shortest brother, was jolted awake less by his mother's gentle call and kisses and more by his bigger twin's gentle nibbles. He blinked blearily and yawned tiny serrated teeth and his forked tongue visible for a moment, the latter of which swiped around his cherry lips as he closed his jaw. He swiveled his head as he watched his siblings one by one get up and follow their mother, he pressed up gently against Widow's legs as she moved, the tiny boy was most connected to his twin brother of course but he wanted to just be close with all his siblings. He grinned up at her before breaking off to sit next to his twin, pushing himself into his much bigger brother's haunch.

Their mother told them that they were getting their own names, they had one they all shared. They were all Kleins, just as their mother and the fleeting glimpses of their older siblings they'd gotten but they would each get their own names, each their own! The tiny boy's forepaws danced in front of him as he waited, repeating each of the names before his own in his head to try and force it into his memory. Widow, Ghoul and Macabre. And then it came to him and his brother, they were given the names of Viscera and Ichor respectively. Names that linked them but still allowed them to be distinct from each other.

The boy, now named Ichor, turned to look up at his twin... Viscera! He grinned up at his brother, practically barking his name back to him. "Viscera!" His tiny tail also beat the ground matching his twin's rhythm. And then something even more exciting happened. Their mother beckoned them to follow her outside! Ichor practically bolted out of the den, tiny paws racing along the ground and he ripped around the den a few laps before he raced back towards the greater group of his siblings. He bounced up towards Macabre, dropping into a deep playbow. "I'll race ya!"