
Brotherly love? meh. Tolerance?



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 11:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2021, 11:12 PM by Macabre. Edited 1 time in total.)
Misery seemed pleased with the speckled boy’s appearance on the mountainous ledge, and he was pleased as well. Misery just had vibe around him, with something deep lurking beneath the surface of his initial appearance. Mac couldn’t wait to get to know his brother better and figure out all the aspects that made him, well, him. Perhaps he could teach him what he knew, because Misery was correct - the boy was but a pure white landscape. He had not yet been fully molded into a permanent character, and hadn’t had enough experiences in his short life to be able to formulate any clear morals, or right from wrong. He was a black and white lump of clay for somebody stronger to build into whatever shape they desired. Grey eyes peered eagerly at the older sibling as he asked Mac’s name preference.

The boy was used to being called Mac, as it was easier for his young littermates to pronounce, and it was easier for his mom to call him if he was out of line. Which, at this point, he probably was - but the urge to wander and explore the lay of the land was just too much to resist. "Call me Mac," He said, and then observed as his older brother stood up to prepare to leave. He mentioned heading out to the tree line, and as the boy peeked over to where Misery was facing, he could see the trees in the distance, the horizon illuminated only with the light of millions of fireflies. He also presented to Mac two options; one, he could stay here and wonder if mom minded or not. He knew right away that was the boring, dumb option. It was the ‘better’ choice or whatever, sure, but it presented no benefit to him whatsoever. What good would it do him sitting here? The other option, where he could walk with Misery to the tree line, was much more appealing, and at that sentence, he hopped up and trotted closer to his brother’s side, tail wagging and his toothy grin beaming. "Well, it would be silly of me to pass up an adventure with my older brother, now, wouldn’t it?" He smirked, clearly ready to go. His energy and enthusiasm for seeing the world beyond his den had no bounds.

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill