
Brotherly love? meh. Tolerance?



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 11:54 PM
Misery was in no rush, he rarely ever was.  Rushing made mistakes after all and if there were things that needed to be rushed others could be sent to do it.  So they would stroll over the mountainside.  Misery pointed a paw to some of the crystals, “So, you know those are why our mom is sick?” Might as well get some basics across.  “Mushrooms also can cause the sickness.  Of course, if they make someone as strong as our mom sick,” Misery paused to focus his attention on Mac, “I can only imagine they’d kill a young pup.” No pleasantries of just a bad idea or making you sick from Misery, it was a matter of fact death is a reality. “Don’t eat them, don’t chew on them, to the best of your ability don’t even touch them.” He shrugged his voice much more casual again, “Some have touched them and been fine.  I’ll be having a slave clear up a lot of them around the den soon but if I’m letting you wander with me I need to bring you back alive.”

Another test of course.  How would the boy handle the concept of dying, or listening to his older brother's warning, or even casual nature at mentioning death?  The truth was though as a young pup even hearing about death would be hard to acknowledge the finality of it.  They’d have to kill something soon as an example.  

“So, tell me, what are your favorite things to do or that you are hoping to do?”  Misery was actually curious just not for the reasons of a loving brother.  There were a couple of pups and he needed to see if any suited his purposes that meant knowing the kids inside and out.  What to weed out of them, what to encourage, how to bribe, and how to scare.
