
Never thought I'd see you again




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
11-16-2021, 07:48 PM
He had barely left the castle since Eska fell ill, only really drifting between the dungeon where she had locked herself away, the kitchens, and their room before starting the cycle over again. It wasn't until her symptoms began to clear and the fog started to lift from her mind that he allowed himself to breathe. The first night after she returned to their room with him he slept like the dead, crashing as he caught up on the hours and hours of sleep that he had missed in her absence. He wasn't even sure how long it was that they slept, but eventually when he woke up with his forelegs still wrapped around her he felt like he could breathe easy again. She was still recovering and he imagined she would be for a while, but it would at least allow him to catch up on some of the tasks that he had been letting slide in the mean time.

He spent the better part of the day doing a patrol and reinforcing some of the scent markers that had begun to go stale while he was taking care of Eska and Artorias wasn't well, but on his way around the edge of the pack he noticed the path they had made down to the shore had begun to get overgrown. He usually cleared it out every few weeks or so, but with everything that had been going on he had forgotten about it. With his patrol done he doubled back and started pulling out some of the over grown weeds, vines, and fallen limbs until the path they had marked off with stones down the hill to the Shimmering Shore was clear once more.

Ulric stepped on to the beach and walked toward the edge of the water until the bioluminescent waves were nearly washing over his toes. The date he had planned for Eska on the beach a while back crossed his mind and he smiled softly at the memory. He wanted to plan something else for her now that she was better, but he also intended to follow through with his promise to travel and see the sights of the world with her once she was fully back on her feet. Once Boreas summer came and his position in the pack was fully replaced by Briar's presence here he would take his mate all across the globe if that's what she wished. He had been debating whether he wanted to visit the mangroves with her as they traveled through Boreas, maybe visit his mother's grave, but after all the running he had done from the bad memories he wasn't sure if he wanted to dig them up again now.

Ulric Adravendi