
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-14-2013, 01:12 AM

Erani had nodded to Imena?s words before the other healers had arrived. ?Quite alright, Lass. Here, things are different. Good healers are cherished. However, healers must know how to fight. How can they serve their pack, if they are unable to protect themselves from an attack on their life, or mind?? And then Cael had arrived, and soon after, he had been followed by Rayne. The fact that Imena was the darkest among them wasn?t lost on the Snowy Lead Healer, and she stifled a grin.

At last, Friction arrived, and her ears pressed forward, deep blue pools settling on his dejected form. ?Ah. Friction. I am glad you made it.? She wanted to say more, to console the grey fellow who had passed a great deal of his resemblance to his daughter. But she felt that he didn?t need the loss brought up in front of wolves he likely didn?t know well. She knew of him because of her observant nature over her pack. ?I am aware that you have some knowledge of herbs, and I would love to see what you know.? Gentle gaze rested on him for a moment longer, before turning to the gathered healers. Soleil hadn?t come out, but Erani knew her knowledge level well enough that the absence was allowed. And in any case, Soleil was busy with her newborns.

Erani cleared her throat, a soft rumble, then lifted her voice in a gentle addressing tone to the gathered healers. ?I am glad you have come today. Soleil is also one of our healers, but she has recently given birth, and is effectively on leave until they are of an age where she can leave them alone to attend to her own duties.? She paused to smile at them, then went on. ?Now, today we welcome two new Healers who I hope will lend their knowledge and skills to Valhalla into our home. Cael, my nephew, and Imena. I also ask you, Friction, to become a part of our groups. We are few, and so far as I know, I?m the only one with the most knowledge. Soleil is second in the levels, and the rest of you are untested, except for Rayne, who has trained under me before.? Earnest deep blue eyes gazed at the male. Aislyn is not truly gone. She is within your heart. Don?t let her go. She willed him to hear the thought, to see it in her eyes.

?Can you tell me, all of you, what you know, and what you feel you need to learn??